Part 75: Paralogue 12: Disowned by Time (Morgan) - Preparation
Paralogue 12: The Ruins of TimeWe get access to the El line of Tomes and Nosferatu. The latter is basically the main reason why Dark Magic is considered the best, with its healing properties and the high defenses of Dark Mages making them as tough as Nowi in practice.
But we have more important matters to do. This is the part when the game "opens" and other future children will appear whenever a 1st Generation female (except Anna) has an S Support with someone. The difficulty of their paralogues depend on when the mother joined the party, so Cherche's paralogue is far tougher than say Lissa's.
For this mission, we're going to rescue Robin's son.
*at the entrance of the area*
Yeah, it's got to be. The townsfolk spoke of ruins in these parts that carry the legacy of the divine dragon.
Of course, they neglected to mention that the place is crawling with Risen... I suppose we're just gonna have to earn this treasure the old-fashioned way.
A decent sized map with a lot of fliers to cheat over the water.
Morgan's hanging around by himself, but a Rescue Staff will easily save him.
Quick Voting time!
Characters already in: Chrom, Robin, Henry, Lucina, Lissa, Tharja, Cherche, Cordelia, Donny
Select 4 characters HERE
Cut-off roster spot for Vaike. 7 base speed with nothing else isn't going to cut it any longer. Voting will end in about 12 hours or so.